Start the Project

In this section we are going to run a django command that will initialize the files necessary for us to build and run our first web application!

Steps to Start Project

We will mostly be interacting with django through the command line. Please execute the following steps:

1) Open terminal and change directories to inside of the instaclone/ virtualenv

2) Activate the virtual env with:

source bin/activate

3) Type the following command to create your web application with the name "instaclone":

django-admin startproject instaclone

As you'll notice, running the startproject command will create a bunch of files and folders that will be the starting framework for our web app.

Opening the Project Code in Sublime

I strongly recommend using Sublime Text 3 as your code editor. The reason being is that it allows you to open up a folder and easily navigate through the directory structure and open/close files as needed. Web development involved writing files in a fairly large amount of places and so using an editor that supports this type of interaction is necessary. Here is what I get when I open up the instaclone/ django project (The inner instaclone folder created inside of the virtualenv) in Sublime:


In this section we created our django project with the command "django-admin startproject instaclone". After that, we opened up the folder created by django into sublime so that we are ready to start writing code for the website.

From here on out you should have two windows open: (1) Terminal: we will use this to interact with the web application in order to run it, modify the database, etc. (2) Sublime: we will be using this to write the actual code.

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